Sherod Marquez Parfums Est.2010 and its logo(s), DBA's ( Doing Business As) public use names, emblem(s), slogan(s), tag line(s), mission statement(s), package designs, formulas, trade secrets, website domain name, and all published images and wording pertaining to this brand, company, web presence and merchandise, are the sole and exclusive registered, copywritten and trademarked property of Sherod Marquez, Owner & Founder and shall not be used in any fashion without prior written and approved consent.

-Sherod Marquez


DISCLAIMER: Our Descriptions are general and ALLEGED. Also, per government requirements, the FDA (Federal Drug And Administration) We are required to state that our products are SOLD AS CURIOS ONLY and offered solely for entertainment purposes AND WE DO NOT guarantee to provide and specific abilities or results. Sherod Marquez Parfums and it’s owners are not responsible for any harm, damages or losses, resulting from the misuse of any product from our shop. purchasing any of our products signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Sherod Marquez Parfums and it’s owners from any and all liabilities.