Never leave any candle burning unattended, around children or pets, on flammable materials or surfaces or while you are sleeping. It is recommended that candles are burned no longer than an hour before snuffed to allow the container to cool down to avoid heat breakage. After each use of your candle, gently blow or place the lid on the candle to snuff the flame. After it has safe cooled, trim your wick and wipe any soot off of the rim of the container with a damp cloth.

    No candle, fragrance, soap, body yogurt, oil elixir or any other cosmetic item on this website is edible. Do not consume or use in eyes. Do not use on pets or feed to pets. Although all products are made from natural and organic materials, use discretion when using on small children or sensitive skin. 

    No product is on this website is intended to treat or cure any medical ailment, always consult with your doctor if you experience skin rashes or any other adverse reaction and discontinue use immediately should you experience a rash or adverse reaction.


-Sherod Marquez


DISCLAIMER: Our Descriptions are general and ALLEGED. Also, per government requirements, the FDA (Federal Drug And Administration) We are required to state that our products are SOLD AS CURIOS ONLY and offered solely for entertainment purposes AND WE DO NOT guarantee to provide and specific abilities or results. Sherod Marquez Parfums and it’s owners are not responsible for any harm, damages or losses, resulting from the misuse of any product from our shop. purchasing any of our products signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Sherod Marquez Parfums and it’s owners from any and all liabilities.